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Life on the edge


Peter Danckwerts GC MBE FRS
brave, shy, brilliant


'A cracking good read... brings Danckwerts to life on the page.'

Nigel Hirst, chairman, Haden Freeman Group

'An elegant exposition of the social, technical and sometimes turbulent life and times of this gentle and considerate man.'

Bernard Atkinson, former chief executive of Brewing Research Foundation International,
ex-professor of chemical engineering and honoured for services to UK biotechnology

'A tour de force.'

Miles Kennedy, emeritus professor and former deputy vice-chancellor of
the University of Canterbury, New Zealand

'I was enthralled and entertained throughout.'

Lt Cdr Rob Hoole RN, founding vice-chairman and webmaster of the Minewarfare & Clearance Diving Officers’ Association.

'Captures Danckwerts’ disconcertingly complex and essentially private nature... Shows how he provided a large part of the thinking which makes chemical engineering a distinct discipline.’

Roland Clift, executive director of the International Society for Industrial Ecology
and emeritus professor at the University of Surrey, UK